Thursday, April 3, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

I've been super busy with stand-up comedy. I haven't had any big shows that are good for taping, but I've been keeping on top of my back exercises and just going out more means I'm walking and standing more.

I've been making a concerted effort to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables during the day. My Size 12 jeans no longer fit. I'll have to buy new pants soon, but money is a little tight.

When I left Los Angeles for the Philippines I weighed between 185-190 an all time high. Now I weigh between 145-150. It's really cool that I haven't gained the weight I lost while I was away. My site dedicated to thank you notes had it's first over 3,000 unique visitor days as of this week. It's so cool!

I'm completely behind in reading my fellow shredder blogs. I am so impressed how everybody keeps on top of their blogs and reading everybody's blogs while working full-time jobs and even having kids. Hats off guys.

I attempted to walk two miles in the neighborhood the other day. Unfortunately, I started hurting pretty bad. But the cool thing is I stayed calm and relaxed and just walked super slowly back home. Sometimes it's the panic of the pain that can really get to you. It's what I think in my head it might mean. Particularly with back pain. I just relaxed, canceled my plans for the evening and rested. I did my back exercises and just keep working through it. I've had to take some advil here and there, but overall, things are getting better.

2 comments: said...

Hey Christie,
Good job listening to your body and doing what's right for you!
So sorry I missed you in LA too - I'm sure we'll meet someday soon. Love, Lilla

Anonymous said...

Christy, awesome progress on the weight loss! that is amazing! so proud of you! listening to your body is key. glad you are able to realize what you need to do. hope things continue to go well for you in LA! check in when you can.