Friday, April 25, 2008

Taking a stab at moderation and balance

When I was a kid my Mom used to lecture me about moderation. I was never good at it. EVER! From regular stuff like work or school or the student newspaper or the school orchestra, I would be full on obsessed and my entire world would revolve around this project, this career choice or way later in life--some guy. But life has kind of forced this concept of moderation and balance down my throat. I've seen how my obsessions have affected my health: physically, mentally and spiritually. I want a different result than I've had before.

I'd like to feel the comfort of a balanced life filled with health, happiness, loved ones, friends, creative pursuits, service, and God. So my moderate plan is an attempt not to get too obsessed, but every time I go for walk, I feel one word bubbling through my mind--MARATHON. Did you know people WALK the LA Marathon? There's no time limit and if you keep a pace of 15mph, you'll even finish while the streets are still cordoned off from traffic. All I have to do is walk about 13.5x further than I've done on my best day, but I've got nearly 11 months before the event. My brain starts setting up obsessive schedules, mile goals, making speeches, my pace quickens. Then I force myself to FOCUS on what Im doing! My brain is funny.

These last few years I've found this little-by-little moderation thing has done wonders for my business so far and it helped me lose forty pounds. So you never know. A lot of things have happened in the ten months while I was in the Philippines. The LA Marathon is still ten months away or even a year and ten months away. There my brain goes again. Well I can daydream, obsess, plan IN MODERATION. :)

Yesterday I'm grateful I got to:

• Drink SIX glasses of water
• Walk .8 Miles
• Eat SIX servings of fruits and veggies
• Back exercises (and remembered to write it down here)
• Meditate
• Read a chapter from a spiritually enriching book


Anonymous said...

we need balance in our lives. going to extremes with some things just isn't good. you have certainly learned that the hard way. but at the same time I think some things are good pushed to the extreme. I guess it all depends on the situation. plus i feel one has to still balance that extreme "thing" with something else. I don't know if I am even making any any've done a fabulous job! it is great to see and watch each other grow! said...

10 months. 1 year + 10 months. 2 years+ 10 months. Doesn't matter. Little by little, you can achieve WHATEVER you want. Ne need to rush - enjoy the process, enjoy life! :)

Mike Groom said...

The LA Marathon sounds like a great goal! I know you'll be there and finish it.

Christina said...

Sound to me like you've already begun your training =D

Great thing to plan for - you'll be there, crossing the finish line, asking "was that it??"


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I LOVE Rocky!!!! I have seen all the movies...but I love the first one and the last one, also.

Just like the other ladies say...balance is everything. Just keep doing a great job, you will hit your goal!

Buffedstuff said...

Hello, there newest Shredder in the Sphere here stopping in to say hello and give you a word of encouragement as you race toward your dreams.

Stay focused and happy Shredding;)

Adam Waters said...

Sounds like a new PRW is coming your way Christy!

Otter Christy said...

Suzette I think it's great to see and watch each other grow, too. I think I know what you mean about balancing the extreme. Sometimes going all it is just more fun or it's just simpler or more straight forward to focus on one thing. Did I follow you? I got lost writing back, but I felt like I got it when I started. Haha.

Lilla I agree. I'm really getting into enjoying life more and the process. You're right, it doesn't matter how long it takes. But I can see where deadlines add to the excitement and "game" of it for other shredders. Like what you guys are doing with the BeachBody thing. That's fun to watch and read about. But this is where I'm at right now and I'm diggin' it. It's important for me to remember so I don't injure AGAIN, "No need to rush ..." Very sound advice.

Otter Christy said...

Mike! For now I'll let the marathon be a nice daydream while I'm walking. I'm training to get in shape enough to train for the marathon. But maybe. I've been thinking about it a lot. :)

Ceekay Now that I'm reading what you wrote maybe what I wrote to Mike is wrong. I'm not training to train for the marathon. I'm training for the marathon. I can just take a REALLY long time training. Then I can cross the finish line and be all, "Was that it?" Or more likely "I need to lay down." Hehe.

Thanks Shari! I took myself to see Rocky Balboa on my birthday. I just loved it. I saw it again a week later.

BuffedStuff Thanks for the kind words of encouragement and stopping by. Loved your blog.

Otter Christy said...

ADAM! I always smile all day long when you drop a comment on my blog. I hope the lockout ends soon. I think you're right on that PRW, but I don't want to get too ahead of myself. For now, I'll shoot for passing 2 miles and then 5 miles and THEN 26.2 mile. :) But wouldn't that be amazing to be able to just walk all day and see the WHOLE CITY and have traffic stopped in Los ANGELES just so me (and 1,000 other people) can enjoy the road on foot. I can't help daydreaming about it. Who knows!