Saturday, April 12, 2008

Charts Are All the Rage

I'm gonna set up one of those nifty charts that everybody has. I think they're pretty cool. Just for fun. I'm not big on feeling guilty about what did or didn't get done. It stresses me out, and stress management is the key to less pain and health issues for me. That said, when I first started this blog my focus was on meditation, water, reading, servings of fruits and vegetables and dancing around my room. I'm going to replace the dancing with practicing walking, because I really want to be able to walk far and I have this crazy idea that one day I might want to try to walk the LA Marathon. I'm not committing to it. It's just this funny idea I've had. But for now, it would be cool to walk a few miles without having to shuffle home and lay down. So I'll note how far I get each day so I can CELEBRATE every step.

I still have a cold, but my LEFT hand is feeling way better. I'm going to keep stretching it. Ooh. I'll add that to the chart. Now to figure out how to make it.


Anonymous said...

i gave up on the chart and just started typing my "chart" in my post. it is a great way to see what you have accomplished. and helps you to stick to it. Do CELEBRATE every step you take! every step is a victory!
here's hoping your cold goes away quickly and that left hand recovers!
thanks for your great comment on my blog today. you are right in that you do have to care how you feel about yourself. if you don't then you won't try to change for the better. changing for yourself lasts...changing for someone else doesn't.

Mike Groom said...

I'm not one for feeling guilty either. My chart gives me an indication of my compliance. If I miss something, I'm not too bothered, but it is a tool which allows me to go back and work out where I've gone wrong.