Friday, July 6, 2007

DAY 6 - My eating habits are really great

Wow! I spent a lot of time today watching tennis. Great fun. I'm very excited to mention that my back is really holding up nicely. I feel it getting a workout and those little cracks like in the physical therapy and even some muscle soreness so I'm building those muscles, but NO SHOOTING PAIN at all, and none of the unbearable muscle tightness either. I have other muscles that are more sore than my back. Yahoo! This is such great news. It means that I'll be able to get the most of my stick fighting lessons when I start. Maybe I'll start sooner than two weeks. I'm just too excited about it. IMAGINE! That will count as an entire HOUR of exercise, and I'll be learning something Filipino AND self-defense. It's amazing how the nature of WhatIs really takes care of things better than I can plan it. Today I drank all EIGHT glasses of water, danced for 12 songs (48 min), stretched for two songs (8 min) ate all SIX servings of fruits and vegetables, did my meditation and read my chapter. It's amazing. The closest thing I came to eating junk food today was a piece of white bread with a very little bit of peanut butter on it and coffee with some sugar and creamer in it. By switching my focus to what I'm doing instead of what I'm avoiding (because I'm not avoiding it, I can eat whatever I want, anytime I want) things just take care of themselves.

Gratitude List
1) Peanut Butter
2) scrambled eggs
3) Coffee
4) Tom
5) Lee
6) Monday night class
7) My MacBook
8) online banking
9) E-mails from readers of my website
10) Beautiful house designed by my Mom

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