Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 17 - Major Ouchies!

I am so sore. I had my second Arnis lesson with my teacher today. I'm feeling a few of the warning pains in my back so I will take it easy, but I love these lessons. They are private lessons daily for an HOUR. An hour of martial arts every day Mon-Fri. My teacher watches me carefully. I made it through the first 45 minutes without needing a break. An incredible improvement over yesterday. My teacher may bring his son next week for more demonstrations. Despite the fact that I am walking like Frankenstein, I could not help picking up my stick and practicing a little in my room. It is just that COOL.

Plus, food tastes SO good when you are hungry from training. Me training! With a teacher! Five days a week! Incredible! I am feeling it, too. This stuff works everything--legs, butt, shoulders, abs. The only reason my back hurts, I think, is because my legs were sore today, I started to "cheat" a little. Arnis seems to really be about balance and power stemming from your core and your legs. The science geek in me sees how amazingly brilliant the economy and mechanics of movement can be. It makes me want to read a bunch of books (or web pages) on anatomy and muscles to appreciate the genius of it all even more. It is really incredible to watch the grace and power of Luloy as he demonstrates each move.

I love learning new things. It is amazing to have this time in my life to learn a new business (see my website on the left), learn Arnis, and further my metaphysical studies daily as well. I cannot believe how much change can be accomplished in such a short period of time. But with a bit of Grace and a bit of Faith, everything is always possible.

today: mediation, yes, subbed Monday (well in the States) night spiritual class for chapter, yes journal, Six glasses of water, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, one hour class, 10 min walking.

Gratitude list:
1) The satisfying crack of my stick during drills
2) ICE for my back
3) Hair bands and barrettes to keep my hair out my face
4) Janice in customer service
5) Tomaz from tennismindgames.com
6) Blue ink pens
7) MovieMagic Screenwriting Software (so easy and cheaper than Final Draft)
8) David Letterman
9) Jake Johannsen (the comedian who inspired me to go into standup)
10) Gee why didn't I list this sooner, Stand-up Comedy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hopefully you can recover from your lesson quickly so you can keep going. How exciting that you get to do this. I am sure it will also help with you core strength and may help your back in gaining strength.