Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 19: Is the term batting 1,000?

I'm feeling a little better and took a short walk to get outside the apartment. Not leaving the house for four days kind of bums me out. I'm really glad, we've all committed to posting daily, because even on days where I think I would be more prone to just flake on my posts, I don't. Plus, I know I'm more "aware" of what I'm doing and more recently what I'm not doing. I haven't missed a posting day yet, and I'm gonna just keep moving. I'd rather not miss a day, because I don't want to calculate the percentages on any given day. It's so much easier to skip the math.

I ate some kind of crappy food while on the long drive to San Francisco and back, and I could actually feel my body going YUCK. It's so weird, because there's been a lot of cake around lately, because of my sister's birthday, but having a slice two days running, I didn't really want it anymore. I can feel my body sort of craving sugar, because of the frosting and stuff, but because I'm a little sick especially, I was glad that my sister finished all the cake and cake-like stuff off. As good as it tastes, it sort of messes with my mood and body WHICH IS COOL. I hate it when my body re-adapts to crappy food, that's when I know I'm in trouble.

My meditation practice is off. I'm typing that here to get that old accountability magic kicking in. Plus I'm going to add some wall push-ups and my modified squats (from my physical therapist) into my program. Plus, I'm gonna get some really, really light weights to do some upper body weight training. I've lost A LOT of muscle mass due to having several long stints of immobility over the last four years, so my body fat percentage MUST BE SO HIGH. Maybe I'll get it checked somewhere cheap or is there some way to do it with just measurements and current weight? Are those calipers expensive? I don't want to put too much into the number, but if there's an easy way to do it, I'll just get a starting number for my next official mission, which will start at the end of the Shredder Council candidacy trial period thingy.

Wow. I thought I didn't have anything to say, but this is long.

Yesterday I'm grateful I got to:
• Drink SIX glasses of water
• Eat SIX servings of fruits and vegetables
• Read a chapter of a spiritually enriching book


Michael said...

How does $5.29 for the calipers grab you? Click here.

Keep up that positive attitude and beautiful smile!

Mike Groom said...

I hear what you are saying about how the body reacts to "bad" food. Get back into the meditation and certainly try some light weights.

Your photo was really funny today. :) Well not your photo as such, but the "Knock, knock" joke.

Anonymous said...

hi Christy! I know what you mean about how some foods affect you. on the way to our field trip one of the mom's i rode with bought us cinamon rolls at mcD's and it wasn't a 1/2 hour later and I had to go to the bathroom as it went right through me. could tell that my body was rejecting that junk i don't eat very often.

Marbella said...

Good to see you are feeling better. Liked the photo today. Your posture was a good one for someone who is going out to conquer the world. Take care and tell me about those wall pushups. Believe me, if I can do 3 pushups now, you CERTAINLY can do them too. Come on Christy...give it a try.