Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 24: Midnight is fast approaching

My body fat caliper thingy came in the mail today. I'll measure at the start of the next mission, but I think I'll "practice doing it right a few times tomorrow. I gave a real "boy push-up" a try as inspired my Lynda's Blog: 130 On My Way

Lynda got three, but unfortunately, I did not fair as well--not even one. I'm not disappointed though. I'm really weak from all those months of being bedridden. Plus, I could feel it right in my lower back. Yikes, but I'm sure I didn't hurt myself. But I'll keep doing my wall push-ups. Then work up to girl push-ups and I'll be able to get down and give y'all twenty in no time!

Yesterday I'm grateful I got to:
• Walk 1.75 miles
• Eat FIVE servings of fruits and veggies
• Back exercises
• Drink SEVEN glasses of water

P.S. I just checked Mike's Blog: Aussie Body Builder AMAZING Day 200 pics. If you haven't seen it CHECK IT OUT. If you have. Treat yourself and LOOK AGAIN.



Mike Groom said...

You'll get there with the push-ups, keeping trying :)

Thanks for the great plug! said...

I have no doubt you will be doing "boy push-ups" soon, followed by one hand decline spiderman push-ups with a clap in the middle!

Rob said...

You’re going to be the “pushup Queen”

Unknown said...

Good to see you're doing great and aiming for greatness. Boy push-ups:-) tell me how it goes! Yes you need to play with the BF tool a bit until you get the accurate reading.

Marbella said...

You better believe that have looked at MIKE more than twice. You don´t see that kind of REVEAL often. And you Miss Christy, take care...pushups will come in their good ole time. I can tell you I don´t go all the way down to knock my nose on the floor either. Proud of you and what you can do!

Bec said...

Hi Christy,
I agree with what Lilla said. Then once you can do them you'll be bored of them. they are horrible.!!!