Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 11: Totally Flipped

My photo that is. I found out that my little photo booth program on my MacBook can flip photos so you can read the text on my shirt. I'm Irish and Filipino. Go figure.

I wrote a new comedy song today. My hand is kinda weird, but it'll be a workout. I played longer, because I wanted to get it right even though it's one of my under-a-minute comedy songs that I'm working on. I'll post a link to the recording when it's done, but no need to visit it if you don't want, because it's not shredder related.

I have to be up in the actual morning time to drive with friends to San Francisco. I've been kind of taking it easy to make sure I can make the drive and walk around in San Fran without being a party pooper. My hand is feeling a little weird and I've actually go to get to bed soon. Hope y'all are doing great.

Yesterday I'm grateful I got to:
• Eat SIX servings of fruits and veggeies
• Drink FIVE glasses of water
• Meditate
• Walk 1 mile


Rob said...

Can't wait to hear your song...
Do you play an instrument?

Be safe.

Marbella said...

So glad you are on your way for a fun weekend. Enjoy every minute, BUT no sugar eh!
Lynda said...

"no need to visit it" - are u kidding? I CAN'T WAIT to do the ice cream dance to the comedy song! :)

how long will you be in SF?