Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 13: Live from San Francisco

My friends are taking the art to Club 6 for the show tonight. We spent the morning on Haight Street walking and checking out the shops and having coffee. Last night we had dinner at Tommy's Joynt. I tried to grab some fruit at the rest stop on the way yesterday, but it was rotten. I'm making a point to try and get in some fresh fruit and more veggies today. I'm on vacation mode, but getting TONS of walking in. I'm so glad I rested up this week.

Yesterday I'm grateful I got to:
• Eat THREE servings of fruits and vegetables
• Drink THREE glasses of water
• Read on 1/2 chapter of a spiritually enriching book
• Walked 1.3 miles. :)

PS I'll just be in here until tomorrow. I'll catch up on all my fellow shredders soon. Thanks for swinging by and saying hi.


Marbella said...

Hey, was thinking of you and wondering how it was going. Glad to see you are having a blast. Be sure to pack some fruit for the return trip home. Tell us all the fun. Thinking of you!
Lynda said...

Looks like you're having loads of fun. Great smile!

Christina said...

Hiya! Glad you are Njoying vacation mode.

Michael said...

Such a huge smile! Glad you are enjoying yourself.

Anonymous said...

hope your weekend was a total blast! looks as if it was.