Thursday, December 13, 2007

Day 49: Just One Thing for 100 Days

My best friend Sylvia and I can talk for hours. We used to dream of starting our own company called the Feinphy-Murphman Corporation (the most ridiculous combo of our last names) aka Corporation of Crazy Schemes. We renamed our idiosyncrasies and neuroses "the nature of our genius" and created our own sayings such as "brown crayoning" things and "that's just frosting on the poop cake." We would create "plans" and call each other every day. When life got particularly overwhelming, we created an accountability structure we called: Just One Thing. Simply, we would commit to doing just one thing each day and let the other know.

My next 100 days are inspired by my best friend, S, and our Just One Thing Plan. But this time, it's got a twist. My ONE THING will be the same for the entire 100 Days.

What One Thing Could I Do Every Day that Would Benefit My Health the Most with the Least Effort and Stress to Me?

Drinking water.

When I drink more water, I drink less coffee, I eat less food, I feel better. But here's the deal I JUST DON'T DO IT. Seriously, I'll go like DAYS. Slamming diet coke after diet coke (I know it's bad for me)and coffee after coffee. If I focus on trying to cut down on coffee, it takes more mental energy than I can muster. (I am so IMPRESSED by Debbie's amazing progress in this regard!) But I've found from earlier in my plan, focusing on what I CAN do sort of magically makes the other stuff fall away.

SO ...

Over the next 100 days, I will drink 700 glasses of water.

The rules: This is measured in degrees of success and by no means a pass-fail endeavor. A glass is roughly 8 ounces, but I'm not gonna get all psycho about it. Flavored water COUNTS, but I'll try to drink mostly just regular water.

If anybody knows where I can get like a cool tally tool or something for this blog so I can keep a running total at the top that would rock.

I will celebrate each 100 glass milestone, by announcing it in my blog and bragging and buying myself something and taking a photo of me and that something and posting it (ie commemorative pack of gum in honor of Glass 300 reached on this day, etc). If you would like to give my water challenge a go, feel free to start a counting and brag about how far along you are in my comments. At every 100 glasses I will brag about you in my blog if that is any kind of incentive. And by you, I mean like the seven fellow shredders who read this and mythical lurkers in the future. There's no deadline to join. You can start whenever. If you buy yourself something to celebrate a milestone and snap a photo, you can also send me a pic, and I will post your commemorative milestone photo, too.

I'm using West Coast time for my blog, because that's how my computer is configured and I'll be back in LA (hopefully) by the time the 100 days is up.

It's seven hours into my "Water Challenge," and I have drunk three glasses of water already. Woo-hoo. Only 697 glasses to go!


Raiden said...

Hey Christy,
just a quick note to say you can try this site out to make a ticker:

Once you create it, you can update it from the same page just by entering the PIN and then the amount to update it. No need to change the html code. said...

Great idea Christy!

Thanks for the ticker link, Raiden.

Marbella said...

Hi Christy,
That Water Challenge is just GENIUS! I too do not like drinking water and don´t think have had more than 1 glass all day today. SO, you know I will gladly join you in your trek to waterdom, and just bet that we´ll have much more success on our 100-day journey than if we didn´t. Count on me! Will go down right now and start off. Remember, am going to check up on you, and you check up on me too. WE CAN DO THIS!

Tearose said...

Ha! great idea! I have never been much of a water drinker until this last 7 weeks. My goal each day is 16 glasses of water and I have been doing pretty good, but I'll start today with you (I've had 2 so far ) I love my coffee and often have 6-7 cups a a day! This is on top of my 16 glasses though :P So its on! 100 glasses here we come :)


Sammy said...

Christy! Water is important important important IMPORTANT! Haha, yup got some time on my hands now and dropped by your blog. I'll be dropping by from time to time, you better start drinking that water now :)

Adam Waters said...

Great idea Christy, water really is the essence of life (and your muscles)! Shred on,

Michael said...

Christy, don't go floating away on us now :-)

Michael said...

Christy, don't go floating away on us now :-)

Anonymous said...

Drink up!

Jemi9OD said...

You can do it, Christy!! That's an awesome goal, and so very important that it often goes overlooked.


Otter Christy said...

Raiden! Thanks for the link!

Lilla! Thank you. Another funny video again today. Love those.

Lynda!Yahoo! We're in. It's so doable and there's no losing.

Tea! 16 Glasses! Well get ready to buy yourself something or be bragged about in my blog A LOT. That's awesome.

Sammy! You're back. I missed you. Thanks for stopping by. Now I'm really motivated.

Adam! I can't wait until I HAVE more noticeable muscles. One day soon!

Michael! It feels like I might float away. West Coast Shredder convention happening sometime in 2008.

Suzette! Sure will and I'll raise a glass in toast to the original shredder and my favorite RTP Warrior!

Jamester!It's not giving up soda (don't have the guts yet), but it'll do for now.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Water is good, water is great, water is the BEST ..(opss CAPS..sorry, I know..your job lol)
1 glass after waking up
1 glass with breakfast
1 glass mid morning
1 glass at lunch
1 glass mid afternoon
1 glass at dinner
1 glass before bed
There you go, 7 glasses of water!

Personally I drink 4 liters a day and sometimes I do what I call the "TSUNAMI"!
It consist by drinking 1,5L. in less than one hour (I do 2L.)
The huge amount of water will clean up your system taking a lot of debris with it.
Be aware do not attempt this with cold water or if you have bladder or kidneys problems.
Also if you cannot be near a toilet for the next hour, I do not consider it a smart idea...o before going to the movies or church...!!!
Salute,Cin Cin, Campaaii, Cheers,Prosit, Gezondheid!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful, beautiful idea -- so great, I'M doing it too!