Friday, June 6, 2008

Week 2 Begins

I had to take a rest day from my workouts. I had some twingy,achy stuff happening. I'm not going to injure myself again. I'm sure it'll be fine by tomorrow. Just being safe. I'm feeling good. I got FOUR pages up today.

I'm going to treat myself with new pants at the end of this mission. In the meantime, I borrowed an old pair of my sister's jeans. They're not tight, but not the kind of cut I like. BUT they're a Size 10 and even a little baggy. Woo-hoo!


Mike Groom said...

stay safe Christy!

Don't be too down about the jeans, they look great!

Marbella said...

Glad you are taking good care of yourself. You have already taken such huge strides and have gotten so far! Am with you...those jeans don´t do you near enough justice. Only one small step until your get to the perfect size 8 ones!

Christina said...

Way to go Christy! baggy pants must feel pretty darn good :)

Take care to not overdo anything; but also know that muscle growth begins with little micro tears in the tissue itself. Also, any lactic acid buildup in the muscles can usually be alleviated with some cardio.
i am so excited for how much you've accomplished. You are truly a motivator!