Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 10: Stepping off a little

I won't even complain about my little twingy pains when our dear shredder friend Dougal: Mind Body Superfit has really been tested physically. I'll just note that I walked only 1/2 a mile a day and really did my hip and lower back stretches, because the tightness and bad spasmy stuff is on the rise. There's nice sore and then there's sort of an uh-oh be careful sore. I've mistakenly ignored the uh-oh sore and re-injure my back an embarrassing number of times BUT I'm thinking I've got it sorted out. I'm gonna get a nice massage and really make sure to do the stretches and back exercises and walk more often, but shorter distances in an attempt to more gradually build up my mileage. No pages today. I took the weekend off. :)

I'm grateful I got to:
• Walk 1/2 mile
• Stretch
• Eat FIVE servings of fruits and veggies
• Drink FIVE glasses of water
• Meditate
• Read a chapter from a spiritually enriching book

PS The show went really great. I was hosting my sister's bands CD release party. It's always weird hosting a music show and doing comedy, ESPECIALLY an afternoon show. But it went really great. The show even got a mention in the OC Weekly, but they listed the time wrong. But my sister got a good plug in the CD review, which is what I really cared about. :)


Mike Groom said...

You may be Ouchie but you still have that great smile on!

Glad your shows went well. Any video footage taken?

Michael said...

Hey smiley! I'm really glad the show went so well. Watch out for the bad pain and don't mistake it for the good pain and vice versa.

dougal said...

Hey my friend - I love your grateful list, really cool. One day at a time nd no excuses hey. Watcha think?

Otter Christy said...

Mike Thanks, Mike. It doesn't hurt too much just enough to Unfortunately no video.

Michael What's the rule on the stretching again? If you have any recommendations for site on more hip stretches and lower back stretches I think I may need to a refresher on stretching.

Dougal One day at a time works for me. You're in my thoughts a lot these days.