Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 14: Week three starts tomorrow

I may have overdone it in my first week, and I kind of "paid" for it in week two. But I haven't done anything too drastic so I'll search for a middle ground in week three. I'll hit my 20/20 goal in no time. I REALLY need to be careful to avoid injury as I have no health insurance and financially speaking I'm not on the most solid ground--no room to go to expensive physical therapists and orthopedists. I need to just get through these next few months with my business and I'll be home free.

Today I'm grateful I got to:
• Drank Four glasses of water
• Ate four servings of fruits and vegetables
• Put up two new pages
• Walked 2 miles
• Got plenty of rest

So in total this week I walked three miles and put up 7 pages. I'm grateful to have lots of room for improvement. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how it is when you start a new "mission" you get all excited and come out sprinting out of the starting blocks...ok now you need to pace yourself. stay consistent and you will "win". it's not about the destination, it's about the journey.