Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day Six (cont'd) I'm Still Gonna Call It A Victory

I'm very grateful that the dueling fates of pain management and bad weather aligned so I could get Day Six's photos up.

I'm gonna take a bit of the philosophy in one of Diane's posts about focusing on what you want to manifest. To that end, I am looking forward to a very productive and triumphant Day Seven to round out the week.

Thank you everybody for your very inspirational posts and comments and really great quotes.

If you have any other great inspirational quotes, thoughts or philosophies that you would like to share with me again today, I would love it.

Yes, as you guessed, yesterday's post was a Star Wars reference. The alternative title to this post was Bad Back Strikes Back, but I didn't want to geek out too much or focus on the negative. I got all that out by making fun of myself in my little comic, which actually was strangely cathartic.

Hope you all are doing great. I look forward to reading about your victories before I go to sleep here tonight and when I wake up in the morning fresh and ready for Day 7.


Marbella said...

Hi Christy!
Love your posts and pictures. So original. I can´t find out how to post them both at once, so do the best I can. You are really lookin´ good. Love it that you keep on plugging altho things aren´t that easy right now. Little by little always gets you there!

Unknown said...

Wow, Christy or is it Cindy:-) did you really check out your side pics? amazing results!

Andrew said...

Hey Christy,

Sporting shorts today I see, I hope the wind has not blown the bottom half of your bikini away?

You sound a bit down today? You should be thrilled at the progress you are making. I know you must be gutted that you cannot do the shred as others are but you have bigger battles to wage and you are clearly winning these.

I think we are all looking forward to seeing you in the kitchen with your dog with the kettle going in a few days. Yep not long, day 7 tomorrow and that means halfway there!!

Thanks for your great comments and posts.

Take care,


Bec said...

You are doing great girl. Keep at it. Your pictures show the results of your effort do not stop now.


Debbie said...

Hi Christy,

Checking in on you and see that you are still staying strong! I agree with Lynda, your blog is very original and interesting. Wow, tomorrow is the halfway point. Hadn't thought about it until Andrew mentioned it here.


dougal said...

Christy, long face doesn't work for you, you have such a beautiful smile. Your pictures show super change, you are doing fantastically well.
My quote is "up to this instant your life has been moulded by other people and things, from this moment forward it is moulded by YOU. Only look back if you want to go in that direction." author dougal Macdonald.
I think you are super cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Christy! hope things are going well. you really don't look like you are having much fun in your pic today. trick or treating went well. i even posted a pic of us in our costumes. our little challenge is half way over. but really the journey has only begun. i really hope you have some positive progress in day 7!

Michael said...


Smile girl! You have such a beautiful smile and it makes your entire face light up. I know that pain sucks, I've been there. Just remember, like the quotation I posted today says, we are not done when we are defeated, we are only done when we surrender. Never surrender, Christy, never surrender!
