Tuesday, October 23, 2007

14-Day Group Shred With Photos - Yikes

Adam Waters of RTP-blog.com (see blogroll) upped the accountability quotient re: his 18 Day challenge. In just a few days, he's starting what he calls a 14-day Group Shred.

Yikes #1 - My Christy-wants-to-ditch-this-walker Mission really doesn't qualify as a shred by any stretch of the imagination. But I read the rules very carefully, and it does not preclude crazy walker ditching plans. And, a walker-ditching plan MOST DEFINITELY qualifies as a physical transformation mission. So I've got that on my side, but there's more.

Yikes! The Sequel- To insure the highest level of accountability RTP-VIP members will E-mail Adam photos DAILY to post on his blog to up their commitment to their program.

Here's the deal. Umm. I'm not sure my Weight Watchers, water-drinking, physical therapy exercises are going to exactly SHINE through in 14 days worth of pictures. Plus, I'll have to use the walker to stand up straight. That's gonna look weird, and I don't like looking weird. Although, just glancing at my walker, I can see how I can turn the front part to the back so I can be seen in the photo. Then again, maybe I don't want to be seen.

Wow. I'm having a lot of feelings about this. I can't believe I am nervous about a photo. I do stand-up comedy for a living. Why is this scarier?

Oh, yeah, because this is about my body. Body stuff + people seeing body = scary. People actually read Adam's blog. Here on my blog, it's just the occasional passer by and SUZETTE (see blog roll). Even though I keep writing it like it's a real blog. You know for those mythical readers in the future. Plus I haven't taken a photo in SIX weeks so it doesn't even show on the page any more. I like my low populated, low accountability, photo-light blog that in my mind is to be only discovered posthumously and then lauded to be incredible without me having to feel weird, and by weird I mean scared and flat-out, like they say in old Westerns - YELLAH!

Despite my comfort with my blog obscurity level and what I think is DAMN GOOD progress to date, I must say, I feel myself scheming. Thoughts bubble out of my nervous, little brain ... thoughts like maybe I'll ask my therapist if I can do arm exercises with light arm weights, maybe she can approve a few more ab and leg exercises, I'm already eating super clean with Weight Watchers, but I will definitely be drinking more water. Hmm. Maybe there is something to this daily photo posting thing.

I won't do anything that my therapist says no to, and I'll run my ideas by my therapist before putting them into action. I've got to be extra careful, because of the pain meds. Most importantly, I will make a committed effort to put my HEALTH FIRST--not vanity.

That said, what am I going to wear?


Anonymous said...

ok you read my mind and know exactly how i feel! i just wrote a massively long post on my blog. sometimes it's hard to express my feelings in an orderly way...feelings aren't always orderly, are they?

Otter Christy said...

You KNOW IT! Couldn't agree more. I'm going to check your blog this INSTANT.

Anonymous said...

check out the yahoo messenger program so we can chat. i don't have a mac. can't wait to read your next post!

Anonymous said...

ok, i am pasting reply comments i made to you on my blog...i thought it was worth repeating here too. i guess i am in a "zone". lol

in reference to the mini-movie....
It made me think that to do a transformtation, you have to think out of the box. you have to be willing to do what other people think is strange or even doing something out of your comfort zone. if you do what everyone else does, you will get what everyone else gets. kind of like, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. we have to go out of the box to get results that are "out of the box". don't limit yourself to what everyone else thinks or does!!!(oh, that was good!)

Debbie said...

Hi Christy - saw your blog link on Adam's website and wanted to come here to give my support. You can do this!! btw: you're a terrific writer.


P.S. Suzette - well said about being willing to do what other people might think is weird.

Otter Christy said...

Howdy Debbie!
Thanks for stopping by and the words of encouragement. Are you gonna do the group shred, too? It would be super cool if you did.