Friday, November 23, 2007

Day 28: Still here, wishing you all well

Just a uncharacteristically quick hello. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving who was celebrating. I have many things to be thankful for--like you guys.

I'm hitting a tough time in my recovery. It's been coming on for the last two weeks, but its getting to the point where ... , honestly, I don't really have the spare energy to put it into words. Oh well. Progress is not always linear. Eating is still great, so I'll cling to that. Will be back and reporting good news as soon as I am more able.

Know that my thoughts and many, many well wishes are with you in case I cannot get to your blogs as much as I would like or have in the past. You all can have no idea how much you have helped and continue to help me.

Thank you.


Jemi9OD said...

Aw Christy - I had a great Thanksgiving. Progress definitely has it's ups and downs, but being a part of the group you're in is special - there's a lot of support you would normally not have. I'll keep swinging by!! said...

Christy, hang in there! I need you and your humor to crack me up when I'm in the midst of my shredding pain. :O
We're all here to support you!

Love, Lilla

Andrew said...

Hey Christy,

Maybe you need to take a rest and maintain for a week or maybe 2? there is no harm just chilling out and maintaining where you have reached, even if you back track slightly, remember your goals are very different from everyone elses. Your feelings are more important and you need to be enjoying everything to be succeeding. I hope you are feeling more up beat soon. Lets see if we can catch up on MSN early next week?

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Chrisy, know we are here for you. I will pray for your continued recovery and healing. Try to keep your spirits high. I am sure you will be thinking of us "shredder" during your offline times, as I know I think of you all throughout my day. I am ever so thankful for you and the bond we share.
I haven't posted in a few days due to time constraints with work and all so nothing new to see on my end of the world anyways. will be thinking of you today!

Stu said...


Thanks for your wonderfull comments.

I love that you are using the power of good thought to turn your life around. Have you looked at just how far you have come?

Remember that you are not only in a group of shredders but that you are also helping to keep them strong and together in there goals.

Your doing great.

Raiden said...

I know this may go a bit against the mindset of other shredder's with the whole "change your life now", "do everything you can today", but just keep in mind your ultimate goals and really think about them. They will come to you eventually now that you've set them. "Missions" and "shred phases" are just tools to help you get to the final goal, but sometimes these mini goals are delayed or interrupted or you just run into something that is out of your control.

I guess my point is, that once you've made the commitment to reach your final goal, it will happen. It may be by Jan. 8th, it may be 12 weeks or a year from now. It could even be 5. Adam's journey himself has spanned over 7 years. I'd say all of us are just looking to change our lives and make a commitment that will last a lifetime. I hope that I can support, help, and inspire you through my adventure as well. I haven't blogged about it much, but keep reading and look for my "speedbump" posts when I get them up.

You can do this, we know you can. You've helped a lot of us search for deeper meaning and kept our spirits up. We want to be here to do the same for you.

Michael said...

Christy, you know we are all here supporting you. I agree with Raiden that you need to focus on the ultimate goal and not necessarily any time span within which you complete that goal. As long as you are making progress in the right direction, it won't matter. You are in a unique situation. Hang in there cutie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Christy, relax for a few weeks like Andrew suggest.
Even if you cannot post remember that we all are here waiting for your great posts!
Come back soon! I really need your nice comments on my blog.

Marbella said...

Gee Whiz Christy. I hate to read that all is not as well as you need it to be. Just hang in there girlfriend! Be tough. Keep strong even when you don´t feel it. Take it easy...there is no rush to anything in this lifetime. Just take each day and enjoy it for what you find. I will be here waiting to see your blogs and hoping that all this will soon turn around, and you´ll be happy and well.
Am pulling for you! All GODSPEED!

Sammy said...

Hello Christy, here I come! Results may come after a long long time or in short while. But the more important thing is, finally reaching your goal. Doesn't matter if it's a year or 2 months, just work towards it everyday! Sometimes there are ups and downs but tomorrow will be a better day :)

Sammy said...

Oh and by "doing what you can" doesn't mean doing HIIT when you're out of energy. It means just NOT GIVING UP. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Christy:
Hope yout TKG was relaxing and fun!
Remember, we all hit walls, face mountains and unexpected stuff that equates to "life"...don't give up...the best is yet to come and it just may be sooner than you think, so don't quit!