Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Peanut butter, you tempting, devil you!

My body craves peanut butter. I am eating four tablespoons a day, but I could easily subsist on just coffee and a jar of peanut butter if it weren't for my food plan. Here are some haiku's for my new love. (I've got to get out more.)

Scoop it out of the
jar. Spread buttery magic
on your tongue. Pure joy.

Peanut butter slides
down my throat. Body
melts in ecstasy.

Creamy or crunchy.
Both ways are so delicious
Bury me in it.

Know that I am both dead serious and joking and heavily medicated. Shred hard, people. Woo-hoo.


Marbella said...

Hi Christy,
Just coming around to see you and check things out. I too like "peeny butter", but never eat it. The only kind you can buy here isn´t all that good, so I just do without. You eat some mixed with grape jelly and bananas....my favorite.
Take care and hugs,

Anonymous said...

so much fun stuff! i love reading your blog! however, i find that peanut butter does not slide down my throat, rather it kind of sticks to the roof of my mouth! lol

dougal said...

Whoooa kid, you are dangerous. Can you send me some of that medication

Sammy said...

Peanut butter is one of my weakness as well! I can eat by the spoonfuls.. until I tried almond and cashew nut butter... which I could eat by the jars!

Nice poem... I should make one about X too...

Joni said...

Ha ha ha Christy thanks for the laugh you are such a "nut"! Give the dog some too, mine loves it! Anyway, don't overmedicate and have a wonderful day!

Raiden said...

Hey Christy, you certainly know how to put a smile on poeple's faces! Love the Haiku.