Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day: 40

Things are getting pretty excited. My business had it's biggest month last month so it's official, I'm looking for my own place. It's going to be so cool to not only be physically fit enough to not worry about living alone, but ALSO be financially fit to afford living alone, too. I'll be COMPLETELY debt free by August 28th, and the great thing about that is that the current debt I have is on a 0% interest card. Woo-hoo.


KaliLilla.com said...

Awesome Christy! That's great news!

Andrew said...

Hey Christy,

Awesmome news, I'm so glad things have picked up for you, you sooo deserve it. I never knew my comments mean't that much. I will stop by more and say hi and try to Inspire.

I guesss you will be able to afford tht trip to the UK for our run soon then?!??!

Take care,


Bec said...

HOW FANTASTIC Christy thats gotta make you very happy.

Debbie said...

Congrats Christy! How exciting for you.


btw: Where can I get a 0% credit card? lol

Michael said...

Christy, that is just awesome news. I'm very excited for you. When are we working out together? :-)

Marbella said...

You are really on your way, but then I always expected you to do well. Now am awed at how great things are turning out for you.