Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Woo-hoo 2008!

For me being part of the shredders was just a positive way for me to put energy into my health. But for mental and physical health reasons, I've actually been helped more by the support of being a shredder rather than the accountability.

For quite some time now, just logging in and working through my feelings (the cause of my unhealthy eating) and hanging with the right crowd (you guys), allowed me to eat healthier and have a reason to not get too down about my immobility and injuries. Frankly it added a level of joy to doing exercise that can sometimes be not only frustrating, but painful.

Well, without the medication, it still hurts, but not like before, and I'm putting a lot of my verbal energy into my new website.

I think the year 2007 was about realizing that the things I do are ENOUGH. (Hence the title of this blog.) It all counts. Yeah, I couldn't do any of the "shredding" thing when the council started, yes, I cannot do even a girl push-up YET, but what I can do is enough. I can still do Tea's challenge. I can still be on the shredder council and even get a result (despite getting out of the results business and being in the process business)that I am proud of. It doesn't matter what everybody else is doing or how they are doing it. I get to decide for me, and not just because other ways of doing things don't work for me, but even because I just don't want to do things that way.

I am getting ready to be 36 years old in a little more than a week, and I'm finally realizing that I actually have the option of not doing something simply, because I do not want to. No other reason required. Even in the arena of my dreams.

Since a lot of my creative juices will be going into my other website-blog thing (BTW, my-thank-you-site.com had its first 2,000+ unique visitor day in December, yippee!), and I don't want my health to slip, my blog will contain more straight-forward posts of did this and did that today, just to provide myself with the reminder of my commitment to me.

Now that I can move a little more, I think I'll go back to where I left off before I got injured. With the stuff that's been in the "About me" section of this blog, but I've been too injured to do. Water, dancing like no one is watching (and working my way up to a few more songs and more rigorous boogeying), eating fruits and vegetables, meditation, spiritual reading, and as always measuring in degrees of success. It'll be a yes no type of thing. Maybe I'll do points. Plus more photos, but not necessarily every day. Some days I am just too sensitive and too sad, and when I had to do that 14 days, I almost chucked this WHOLE thing and deleted this blog. I'll probably do my "Gratitude List" on My Thank You Site blog, since it's part of my business.

As always, I measure in degrees of success, and NEVER beat myself up for what does not get done. That leads me to a dark, dark, unhealthy place that feels virtually inescapable if I can feel anything at all. I will avoid any and every psycho-flavored meds at every opportunity.

My goals are the same.
• Enjoy the good health, strength, and confidence that comes from taking care of my body every day.
• Be a supportive member of the Shredder Counsel.
• Be honest, allow myself to feel all my feelings on this journey, and express them in my blog.

As they say in LA, I'll workshop that and get back to you.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old,
Seek what they sought. ~ Matsuo Basho

Happy 2008!


Adam Waters said...

Happy New Year Christy, it was a pleasure to "meet" you and I always look forward to reading your blog every day. You tell the truth and your thoughts do impact us.
P.S. Great to have on board the Shredder Council!

Anonymous said...

Christy, I am so glad you are here. YOu are a breath of fresh air, even despite your "moody" postings. you tell it like you feel. you are allowing yourself to feel. alot of people are afraid to even express what they are feeling or don't even know how to express themselves. I see that this has been a process for you and should be for all of us. to be able to work out your feelings and move on to whatever it is to move on to.

Mike Groom said...

Hey Christy! As always, I loved reading your post today. I am at a point in my own life where I am becoming a more spiritual person and my thought patterns are different (much more positive) to what they were 12 months ago. I think we operate and think on a similar wavelength and I'm mighty glad to have met you through this group.

You will always do and be "enough".


Tearose said...

Hey Christy, I love reading your blog, you seem to be helping me along on the same path. I think this blogging thing is therapeautic, at least for me it is . Keep up the great work, you will be able to do a proper push-up let alone a girl push-up! :D

Anonymous said...

Hello Christine,
thanks for the notice!
Of course I want to STAY in the shredders council!!
I just do not fully get the
meaning of the 3 pics 3 friday.....
Do we have to take one pic a week and send them in the third friday of the month????

Joni said...

Hey Christy, happy new year! Just wanted to say thanks for checking in even though I have been a little "checked out" for the past two weeks, it's good to see you are still going strong, and you are planning on coming back to the states soon! Hope your website continues to expand and that we'll still get to hear some of your patented Christy logic even though you'll have less time. Hope to talk to you soon!

Marbella said...

Hi Christy!
Love coming by to visit you. Could you tell us where your new business blog is? If it´s not kosher to ask, would love to vist you there too. Can´t believe you have such great ideas and such blogging skills. Glad to see things are going well with you. Remember to decide that it´s all working out perfectly.