Friday, August 17, 2007

The Right Time is Always Now - (a little under 11 weeks left)

Feeling good. Kept putting off taking photos, because I wanted to take pictures when I felt skinniest and not right after I ate. Except, because I'm eating 4-6 times a day that makes it tough. Add a few computer connection problems and bam it took two days. I am grateful to remember a valuable lesson, the "right time" is always now. More later. I'm just gonna post some photos before my Internet connection goes out. I think there's a difference--especially in my posture, which is good news for my back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would say the best time to take pics is first thing in morning or right after a "workout". Taking pics lets you see where you really are. it's just not the same as looking in the mirror(at least for me). I think seeing my fat in all it's "glory" really put a fire under me to start my body transformation. even still now when i look at my own pics i think i have so far to go, eventhough i have already come so far. either way, it does put things in perspective to see yourself in pics. we just can't deny what the pic shows! keep up the hard work. it truly is and will be a lifelong journey!