Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 2: The Group Shred Continues

Happy Day 2 Everyone!

I've been working on my back and core exercises from my physical therapist, wall push-ups and walking. Plus, for those of you familiar with Weight Watchers, I'm staying within my points. Yesterday I used 22 points. Today I've used 26 points. My remaining flex points for the week is 29.

I haven't been able to find my swimsuit and my extra contact lenses since I came back from the Philippines. They've got to be somewhere. Yesterday, I weight myself 162.5 and 37% body fat on my Tanita scale. I don't know how accurate that scale is, but it will be relative to itself. I don't have a tape measure, but I may pick one up tomorrow and just compare for the rest of the shred. The most important part is to focus on eating clean and shredding hard.

For anyone in the Los Angeles area or will be I'm co-producing and hosting a weekly stand-up comedy show in Beverly Hills at the Roxubury Cafe beginning January 8th. Naturally I'll plug it when it's sooner.


juli gets happy said...

You are doing so well, Christy! WeightWatchers will also bring you a good increase in weight loss.

It is a pity that I cannot see you life on stages, but one day I will be there.

Keep up your fantastic attitude,


KaliLilla.com said...

Wish I could see you perform live! Some day.

Sounds like you're on track with WW, core exercises and walking. Love seeing and reading about you every day. :)

Anonymous said...

Look at you! I think you look great! It would be so fun for all of us Shredders to go see you perform! We could group heckle you! LOL!!

Danny said...

never trust the scale measure christy. Lol. I havent seen a single one that worked properly.
The water intake before measuring yourself plays a big role.
Also if you dont calculate how many pounds/kg exactly you have in fat and muscle every time you might fall into a common trap that tat scale measurer's cause.
When you lose weight, and dont gain muscle, the scale will tell you that you have gained muscle because its measured in %. SO if the total decreases, the percentages change regardless if they changed in mass or not.
Just as a warning lol. The skin-callipers however seem to work pretty well compard to the scale.

My parents both do weight watchers, and it works for them.

I still find it easier to work with the calorie concept though

Shred on christy!


Nick said...

Hi Christy,

Thanks for visiting my blog :) It's great doing this as a group having everyone supporting eachother!
Good luck for the coming days.

Anonymous said...

you know the numbers can be so confusing and frustrating at times. just remember not to focus on the numbers. focus on how you feel and how the clothes are fitting.
would love to see you "in action" on stage!