Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Settling In--FINALLY!

Moved in--check. Jury duty served--check. Caught up on blogs--not even close.

But I did get around to a few today BEFORE I posted. So many motivating thoughts. It really puts me in a great and positive mood. I have a weekend "mastermind" group called the 3% (Three Percenters) that meets every Saturday that I'm using to help with my accountability. We set fitness and career goals and the person who doesn't meet them that week has to buy the coffee. I've had to buy a week or two here in there, but it's really been working. It's like the blog, but since I make my living online I've kind of needed to step away from the computer a little more and BE OUT with people.

I've been carefully noting my moods, foods, and exercise and have also discovered that I can't be holed up in my apartment on the computer for too many days at a time without it affecting me in a less than positive way. But it was super cool to catch up with everybody.

ANYWAY, the reason I've mentioned the 3 percenters is that it's really helped me up the weight training. I still can't believe how WEAK I am, but all the more reason to keep at it.

4 comments: said...

I love the mastermind group idea! I need to find one around me. I spend WAY too much time inside on my computer and it's totally affecting my mood. How did you find the group? Why is it called 3%?

Andrew said...

Hey Christy,

Sounds really cool. Computers are today, I spend all day working at one and then half the night playing on them. It's accessible but the weekends are reserved for "people", it's just very hard to fit them in during the week1!!

Take care...

dougal said...

Did I read "no beating myself up".
Lilla is right the mastermind thing is a great idea. Thanks for visiting me too.

Anonymous said...

First thing you need to do is tell yourself how "Strong" you are! I would also love to hear more about what your 3% group is. ONline support is great but it sure helps to have someone you can see and talk to in person. my mother helps me alot in this area. on my days off i tend to be on the computer way too much(just ask my husband!