Thursday, September 27, 2007

Still sidelined, still grateful, and a little worried

Yikes it's been over a week and my pain has increased and my ability to put any weight on my right leg is gone. Wish me luck. I'm going to the doctor, which is no small feat. My Mom has found a friend with a car (I cannot step into a pedicab) and another friend to help carry me. A doctor's office with a door very close to the street. I really hope they'll just brace it to keep it from moving to much, give me some crutches, and say, "You'll be fine in under two weeks. No need to worry about the 23 1/2 hour flight back to the US in four weeks with luggage and a changeover in Singapore. You'll be walking in no time."

It could totally play out that way, right?

Gratitude List
1) This laptop (I'd be so bored out of my mind w/o it)
2) Alaxa OTC pain medication
4) My Mom's friend w/ a car
5) My Mom's friend who has agreed to help carry me
6) Exchange rate making doctor visit affordable
7) My stress-free schedule (Imagine if I was in the States and had to sweat going to work every day. Man, I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR THAT)
8) this little rolling stool (If I'm really careful I can wheel myself around.)
9) pillows, comfy comfy pillows
10) warm baths

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