Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thank You!

Hello Blogger Friend,
I am writing you from Dumaguete City, a college town on the island of Negros Oriental in the Philippines. I've been spending time with my Mom in the house that she not only designed, but was her own CONTRACTOR. Taking a break from the hectic life in Los Angeles, has been great. I must say I miss a lot of things about living in Los Angeles--mostly my friends and the convenience of living in the States.

I've been here for awhile, and I'm learning how to put up a website. It's dedicated to saying thank you. As I get older, I'm realizing how important it is to show appreciation. There are a million occasions in life where I had the opportunity to show my gratitude and missed out. And in turn, there were many times in life, when everything I did was to try and be valued by somebody else. The correlation is obvious now. The concept is so simple that I would have formerly dismissed it. But as I practice it more and more, the reality is really astounding. I have been amazed at how many people have visited the site in the less than two months it has been up and running.

I'm not advocating being an oblvious twit, who just pretends like everything is great while his soul is dying in a pool of affirmations. Saying thank you really works. It's real and tangible. I don't have to deny when things aren't going my way, but even on a day when it seems like everything really blows, if I stop and think about something as simple as, "They have diet coke and air conditioning here now" and take a moment to say thank you to somebody for any little reason whatsoever, I feel a little better. Some days I feel joyous. Other days, life just hurts less.

So if you have a need to be appreciated, you can visit www.my-thank-you-site.com and send a note to somebody to kick-start your karma or your law of attraction, or just feel a little better for second.

The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude --Friedrich Nietzsche

It's a grateful world, and that much more so because you're in it. Thanks again or as they say here in Dumaguete, Salamat Po!

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